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Autumn Bouquet

Autumn Bouquet

"Autumn Bouquet" is a sweet cone basket abundant with fruits of the season. There are purple asters, a ripe pear, a jack-be-little pumpkin, blackberries, pomegranate, and oak leaves spilling over the rim. The crowning jewel is a warm and welcoming sunflower.


This 7.5" X 11.5" project would look perfect hung on a door to greet guests.


It would also look lovely hanging from your dining room hutch or over a chair post. Stitch one on each end of a table runner for your Thanksgiving table. 


  • Our kit contains ALL the WOOL you see. It also includes a felt backing and the ribbon for a hanger.  We have hand-dyed wools in this kit, including a special TEXTURED wool for the blackberries to simulate the seed kernels (those are not French Knots).  You will not need any more wool to complete this project.  Your 100% woven wool has already been felted for you and is of the best quality. We have done all the prep work for you to begin tracing and cutting your pieces. On occasion, we have to substitute discontinued wool.


  • Our kit does not include the floss/threads . If you order a kit from us, we will include a list of the floss and thread used to create the design shown.  It does not include the freezer paper needed.  You can find some HERE.


  • Add "Place N Trace" to help place your wool pieces before you stitch; click HERE.

Need a notion or Fusible Webbing for your project? Click HERE.


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Copyright © 2022 - Jerome Thomas Designs. All Rights Reserved. The pattern is for personal, non-commercial use only. No part of this pattern may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted by any means, including photocopying,

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