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May Day Bouquet

May Day Bouquet



"May Day Bouquet" is sweetness personified.  Who can resist a bundle of flowers tucked in a spring basket...a wonderful gift for a friend or oneself? This 7" X 11" design is perfect to display on a cupboard handle, hall tree hook, antique doorknob, or stitched onto a pillow. It would be charming on a teapot topper or on each end of a spring table runner.  Because it is so sweet, it would be perfect to display year-round.


  • Our kit contains ALL the WOOL you see. It also includes the backing, the lace trim, and the ribbon for a hanger. You will not need any more wool to complete this project as shown.  We have included a lot of our hand-dyed wool as well to give that bright, springtime feel. Your 100% woven wool has already been felted for you and is of the best quality. We have done all the prep work for you to begin tracing and cutting your pieces.  On occasion, we have to substitute discontinued wool.


  • Our kit does not include the floss/threads since these usually are personal choices of the stitcher. It also allows us to keep the kit more affordable if you already have a thread stash. If you order a kit from us, we will include a list of the floss and thread used to create the design shown.  


  • Add "Place N Trace" to help place your wool pieces before you stitch; click HERE.

    Need a notion or Heat N Bond Lite for your project? Click HERE.




Thank you so much for checking in. I hope you enjoy my designs as much as I love creating them for you. Please pop by my store again and see what's NEW. 


Copyright © 2021 - Jerome Thomas Designs. All Rights Reserved. The pattern is for personal, non-commercial use only. No part of this pattern may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of Jerome Thomas Designs.

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